Families » PickUp Patrol

PickUp Patrol


Heron Pond Elementary is now using PickUp Patrol for changes to your student's end-of-day dismissal plan. You can also record; absences, late arrivals, and early dismissals using this portal.


You can access PickUp Patrol from your computer, tablet, or phone; rather than downloading from an app store, the app is delivered through the web and is available here: PickUp Patrol Portal.


To record a plan change please see the details below.


Plan Change 

  • Changes can be entered from a smartphone or computer days, weeks, or months in advance, and at any time up to 1:55 PM on the day of the change.
  • After 1:55 PM, changes will not be accepted in PickUp Patrol, you will need to contact the office. Please remember; The end of the school day is a busy time, so to ensure the safety of all students, please plan accordingly and limit these exceptions to emergencies only.
  • Please be sure to use the appropriate choices for plan changes:
    1. Bus #: this should only be the bus your student is registered to ride. We cannot place students on a friend's bus.
    2. Walker/Pick-Up: for those students who will walk or be picked up in a vehicle; if possible please include who is picking up.
    3. Boys & Girls Club: you must register with the Boys & Girls Club first.
    4. Hampshire Hills: you must register with Hampshire Hills first.
    5. Girls on the Run: Tuesdays and Thursdays only, your student should be registered first, contact the office with any questions.
    6. Band: for those students registered for lessons with our music teachers.
    7. Durham Bus: for those students registered to take this bus service.
    8. Absent: You can call in your student's absence or simply record it using PickUp Patrol; please ensure to leave a reason for your student's absence.
    9. Early Dismissal: if you choose to use PickUp Patrol for early dismissal, it is strongly recommended that you continue to send in a letter to your student teacher.
Dismissal time can get very busy and we want to make sure every student gets home in a safe manner. 
NOTE:  At no time should you email requests for a dismissal change to anyone at school.  
Thank you.