Departments » Nurse's Office

Nurse's Office

Health office phone: 603-673-1811, option #2
Secure health office fax: 603-249-0712

Many parents have questions about their student’s care here at Milford Elementary School.  The Milford Elementary School Parent Handbook addresses most policies and procedures and is your best resource. Here is some additional quick help to guide you through your child’s elementary school years.

Medications: Taking medications at school is not encouraged, but if it is unavoidable, ALL medications must be brought to the nurse by an adult. If the student needs a prescription medication, written permission from the parent/guardian will be required along with a written doctor’s order.  The medication must be in a pharmacy labeled container. Over-the-counter medications will require written permission from the parent/guardian and the original packaging with ingredients and instructions. This includes items such as cough drops/strips and pops.

Clothing:  Your child should be prepared to go out to recess every day. There is outdoor recess unless it is raining, below 20 degrees, or too icy. To save a phone call and time out of your day, children in all grades should have an extra set of clothes in their backpack or cubby in case of an accident (spills, falls, etc).

Illness: Sometimes it is difficult to decide if your child needs to stay home from school.  We recommend you keep your child home if he/she has a temperature of  100 or above, is vomiting, or has diarrhea.  You should also keep your child home for 24 hours after these symptoms resolve.  If you decide to send your child to school, telling him/her that you will come to pick him up will almost certainly guarantee you a phone call.  Rest assured we will call you if your child needs to go home.

Head Lice:  Although head lice are not a health hazard, they can be a troublesome problem to resolve. Parents are asked to check their child on a regular basis.  When we do find lice or nits the parent/guardian will be notified. If the child has live lice, the parent will be asked to pick up their child and treat him/her before sending the student back to school.  Instructions for dealing with head lice are available from the Health Office.

Physical Education and Recess:  All students are required to participate in physical education and recess.  This is an important part of our health curriculum.  If your child has special health requirements, or cannot participate due to an injury or health problem, the school must have a written doctor’s note listing the date(s) the student must be restricted.

Please contact Melissa Goulet, RN at (603) 673-1811 if you have any questions or concerns.